The Different Categories of the Hospitality Industry in Kenya

The Different Categories of the Hospitality Industry in Kenya

The backbone of the hospitality industry in Kenya is customer service. This is by far a concept that is echoed by all segments of the industry as well as other industries that are not into hospitality. Your business might be accomplished in every other sector, but without proper customer service, your business might head downhill at a high speed. The way the staff serve the clients is a clear determinant of the level of success in the industry.

When starting a hospitality business, one important decision that most entrepreneurs have to look into is the category they want to venture into. The category will determine the style of service that they will give to the clients. The service style of any hospitality industry also depends on personal preferences, target market and the location.

Categories in the Hospitality Industry in Kenya

Knowing the main categories of service styles in the hospitality industry will help you in deciding the right category you want to venture into.

Hospitality Industry in Kenya

There are three main categories in the hospitality industry in Kenya as listed below:

Food and Beverage

Food and Beverage undoubtedly reign supreme as it is the largest element in the  hospitality industry. It can take any form from high end restaurants, fast food joints, catering establishments and many other forms. The trade of food and beverage can function vis a vis other establishments like movie theaters and public swimming pools among others. To be successful in the food and beverage trade, you must be able to offer excellent food and first class customer service as clients are more concerned about the two.


Accommodation comprises hotels, bed and breakfast enterprises and lodgings. They comprise a broad segment of the hospitality industry and it is a category that can run from extravagant resorts and hotels to campgrounds and motels. Accommodation under the hospitality industry must have comfort, efficiency, good customer service and simple but important amenities. Most travelers value the aforementioned which might prompt them to be repeat customers and also tell others about your establishment.

Travel and Tourism

The third category that falls under the hospitality industry in Kenya is travel and tourism. It is another chief segment of the industry that includes transportation from one place to another in form of airlines, train trips, cruise ships, tours and many others. The attendants in this category make efforts to prove a comfortable experience for the travelers, mostly vacationers and travelers on business. Under travel and tourism, destinations like national reserves and other amusement parks draw in thousands of people, most of whom value great customer service as they enjoy memorable adventures.

Categories of Hospitality Industry in Kenya

The hospitality industry in Kenya is a vibrant and thriving industry and one that brings the most revenue to Kenya. Many people visit Kenya for different reasons and at different times. Some visit to enjoy the friendly weather, others to watch the wildebeest migration among many other reasons. No matter your reason for visiting, Kenya is still a wonderful travel destination that gives you memories enough to last you a lifetime.

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