How to Set a Table Like a Pro

How to Set a Table Like a Pro

Many people do not understand the hype about setting a table, but if you are having guests, whether a formal or informal setting, there is a way the tables need to be set. Setting the table gives your guests an easy time while having their meal. However, setting tables is not usually given the much thought it requires. Many people always leave it to the last minute, thus making it a hurried task. When done this way, sometimes guests are left confused and wondering about the correct placement of the utensils.

To keep you away from stress as planning to have guests is stress in itself, you can use the following basic tips to help you dress up your table for the function ahead. Setting the table, however depends on the type of function, whether formal or informal. With these tips you will become a pro in table setting within no time.

How to Set a Table Like a Professional

Formal Gathering

When setting a table for a formal gathering, you will be required to set the table according to the meals that are going to be served. That way, any savvy guest will understand that they have to use their utensils from the outside working their way in. This also happens with an informal setting. This, however, is how you should set the table for a formal gathering:


The largest plate, also called the charger, goes first, then the entrée plate and the appetizer plate come last. The bread and butter plate is often placed at the top left of the table with the butter knife slightly angled on top of it.


The stemware, or simply the wine glass, is placed to the right closest to the plate. A champagne or water glass is then placed just above the stem ware.


These also refer to the eating utensils like forks, knives and spoons. They are usually placed last after everything else has been set. The dinner knife goes to the right of the plate, followed by a soup spoon. The fruit spoon is then placed only if fruits will be served. The dinner fork goes to the left of the plate, followed by the salad fork and fish fork if you will be using fish. A dessert fork and coffee spoon are set right above the plate.


The napkins initially were only placed on the dinner plate but the world has evolved now and people are okay with mixing it up and letting the nature of the table to encourage the placement of the napkin. It can be placed on the dinner plate or just above the plate where the dessert fork and coffee spoon are placed.

Setting up a table like a pro

Informal Gathering

Also referred to as a casual set up, this kind of set up is usually perfect for family and/or friends gathering. Below is a protocol that can be used to set the table in an informal gathering:


An informal setting does not necessarily require the large plate known as the charger. An entrée plate is actually enough for the casual setting.


This goes to the right, a red, white or beer glass is placed first, followed by a water glass sitting just right above it.


The dinner knife goes to the right of the dinner plate followed by a dinner spoon. The dinner fork is then placed to the left of the plate. If there is an appetizer before the meal, you have to ensure that the utensil for that is available, otherwise it is not important.


With an informal set up, you are allowed to be creative as your guests will not take much notice of that. They might actually think you are just being creative. You can grace it over the dinner plate, tuck it under it or simply drape it on the edge of the table or set under the fork set. The options here are endless.

All said and done, do not let table setting steal the joy of the party from you. Remember, it is all about your guests and the food, yes the food! So distress and enjoy the party.

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