7 Tips for Traveling on a Budget

How to Travel on a Budget

Traveling is something we all love to do. Packing our bags and heading somewhere exotic away from home for a while. Although we all have dreams to travel far and wide all the time, the economy has changed and most people cannot afford to travel as often as they would want. The good news however is that you can still manage to travel on a fixed budget and still be able to have the moment of your life.

The following are some tips that can help you get the thrill of traveling albeit on a tight budget:

#1 Plan your travel during off seasons

Budget Travel - Travel During Off Season

Traveling has become a costly affair of late but that does not mean you use a ridiculous amount of money on it. You can save a good amount of money if you travel off season – the period when most people do not travel to that destination. That way, you will visit the same locations, view the same attractions and stay in the same place but at a slightly lower price.

#2 Consider hotels with budget rooms

Budget Travel - Budget Hotel Rooms

This is for the traveler who is staying in one place for a while. Booking a room from a hotel with budget rooms is much cheaper than booking from exotic hotels. This will save you the cost of accommodation and you can channel the extra cash to other holiday activities or simply extend your holiday.

#3  Plan ahead

Budget Travel - Plan Ahead

The longer you wait to travel the more expensive everything gets. Always plan ahead and make your reservations before time. Like airplane tickets, hotel reservations etc. Plot out your destination early and start scouting for travel deals. The internet can give you a lot of information on travel destinations and travel deals that you can take advantage of.

#4 Leave the bulky suitcase at home

Budget Travel - Travel Light

Some airlines will charge you extra at the checkpoint when you carry more luggage. Ensure you carry a bag that will allow you free checking at the customs. This will save you more money as you will not have to pay for the checked bags. Also, if planning to visit a few different places, a small luggage will be easy on you and your travels.

#5 Avoid eating out

Budget Travel - Do not Eat Out

Most eateries are great but can easily create that dent in your purse if you are out traveling on a budget. So to avoid spending extra on meals, you can stock up some groceries and cook a nice meal and carry it to the beach or any other picnic site of your choice. This will not only save you money but will also keep you away from stopping by an eatery.

#6 Skip the souvenirs

Travel Budget - Skip the Souvenirs

Granted, we all love to buy a few items while traveling to keep as souvenirs of the places we have been to but sometimes these can be costly. You can choose to skip on buying the souvenirs and instead take with you memories that don’t have to be bought. For instance, you can collect a few shells at the beach or take snapshots of every place you visit.

#7 Visit places that are free

Budget Travel - Visit Free Places

Most travel destinations have tourist locations that have price tags of course. You can map out one or two ‘must see’ spots at your travel destination and pay for them. The rest of your time can be filled with free alternatives, places that do not necessarily need you to pay before you view them. Before your trip, you can research for the local museums and other places that offer free or rather discounted days to save on cost.

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